Recent productions include… Publication of issue 26 of the journal Conserveries Mémorielles : « Webdocumentaire et enjeux historiographiques ». The collective book Plus de cinéma ! : images animées et effets spéciaux is out, with an introduction I co-signed. The TECHNES encyclopedia now devotes one entry to cinephile catalogues and one to webdocs. Linkedin News Affiliations Member of Le laboratoire de recherche sur les pratiques audiovisuelles contemporaines (labdoc - UQAM)Associate member of the Centre de recherches intermédiales sur les arts, les lettres et les techniques (CRIalt - Université de Montréal)Member of the scientific board of the CANEVAS consortium (Huma-Num, France)Associate member of the Nursing History Research Unit (URHN - University of Ottawa)Member of CRICIS - Interuniversity Research Center on Communication, Information and SocietyMember of GRISQ - Research Group on Information and Surveillance in Daily Life